Cognitive Shield

When we designed cSpring we knew he would need Power Hungry servo’s. The Cognitive Shield is the only hardware capable enough to power cSpring. No other shields exists with fully isolated power for your servos. We took careful and meticulous consideration when laying out each trace on this board. We hope you will love the way it looks and find it as useful as we do. It’s truly the only solution capable of controlling a real robot with lots of real servos and sensors.

The cognitive shield is very full featured.
We have an integrated software controlled on off switch that you can control from your program. If you’ve ever worked with hardware you will know how helpful it is to power things down if your software goes crazy. It lets you have faster iterations and more rapid development.
The Shield reports back with the current voltage of the battery. This allows us to monitor our usage and take actions when your robot begins to run out of power.
The Cognitive Shield puts your battery directly to your servos and wont get in your way or limit your battery at all.
It’s smart because it lines up your sensor pins with the power and ground so you can run the most common 3.3v sensors with a single cable. There is even a switch to increase that voltage up to 5volts for the center port here. With the pins laid out like this it enables you to run your sensors with our clean cables and very little effort.
The cognitive shield brings sensors to your actuators with full battery power and the simplicity of the Arduino Mega.
It’s a Huge leap forward, and we’ve got even more features in store for the release versions.