We at Cognitive Spring are very proud to present our cSpring.
He has the strongest servos for size ever created. Each Servo or Muscle has over 40lbs of Torque per inch. Torque is measured out from the center axis of rotation. So when this arm moves it can push 40lbs. You need this because the Torque is divided by the length of the lever it moves, so then that 40lbs is divided by the length of each of these linkages we call bones. We dont really know what you will do with cSpring so we wanted him to be up to the task.
As you can see this is a unique design for weight distribution. By channeling the weight through the joints it takes the brunt of force off of the servos. This design is unique and imitates the way our bodies work.
cSpring utilizes the expandable MakerBeam kit. That means that if you want an extra bracket or sensor mount somewhere you can easily build upon what we give you.
Most Importantly cSpring is very capable. The Vision from cSpring is the emersive point cloud data that robotics has grown to love. Also the Cognitive Shield on the Arduino Mega leaves plenty of room to grow with new sensors and actuators.